The events of 1734 unfolded in a small town of 2,000 inhabitants. Located on the southwest boundary of the French territory in the St-Lawrence valley, Montréal was the regional seat of administration. It was essentially a trade and military city with major links to the interior of the continent. The city's profile was reflected in the social structure and economic activity of its citizens. Women were less prominent in traditional documents, yet it is possible to grasp a general picture of their sphere of activity. Montréal was also a city with a high number of slaves.
Women of Montréal
- Kaml, Pehr, Travels of Pehr Kalm in Canada in 1749, 1977
- Kaml, Pehr, Travels of Pehr Kalm in Canada in 1749, 1977
Colonial Correspondence
Court Documents
- Juridiction royale de Montréal, Notes for Geneviève and Madeleine Gatien, laundresses, May 10, 1734
- Juridiction royale de Montréal, Declaration by Marie-Madeleine Emond, February 12, 1698
- Conseil supérieur, Regulation on the conduct of the spouses of the governor and the intendant during religious ceremonies, July 8, 1709
- Juridiction royale de Montréal, Declaration by Madeleine Arrivé, February 19, 1716
- Juridiction royale de Montréal, Order for a release from prison, February 25, 1722
- Juridiction royale de Montréal, Declaration by Marie-Anne Lafayette, June 15, 1727
- Juridiction royale de Montréal, Deposition of Louise Chaudillon, April 24, 1734
Diaries, Journals or Reminiscences
- Rocbert de la Morandière, Elisabeth (Madame Bégon), Letter on the situation of women in Montréal and Québec City
- Rocbert de la Morandière, Elisabeth (Madame Bégon), Letter regarding certain Montréal women, January 8, 1749
- de La Croix de Chevrières de Saint-Vallier, Jean-Baptiste, Oath by midwives, Rituel du diocese de quebec publie par l’ordre de monseigneur l’eveque de quebec, 1703
- Gaudron de Chèvremont, Charles-René, Indenture of Angélique Vignaud to Sieur Mailhiot and his wife, December 15, 1736
- Montmorency de Laval, François, Pastoral letter against the extravagance and vanity of women in the church, Mandements, lettres pastorales et circulaires des évêques de Québec, 1887
Men of Montréal
Colonial Correspondence
- Ministre de la Marine, Letter to Charles de Beauharnois and Gilles Hocquart with regards to sending salt smugglers to Canada, May 1, 1731
- Gaudron de Chèvremont, Charles-René, Petition by Charles-René Gaudron de Chevremont, 1734
- Hocquart, Gilles, Description of Canadians, 1737
- Roi de France, Memorandum of instructions to Sieur de La Jonquière, April 30, 1749
Diaries, Journals or Reminiscences
Government Documents
- de La Croix de Chevrières de Saint-Vallier, Jean-Baptiste, Pastoral letter on the dress code for the inhabitants of Villemarie, April 26, 1719
- Adhémar, Jean-Baptiste, Indenture of Jacques Jalleteau to Alexis Lemoine Monière, September 17, 1733
Colonial Correspondence
- Ruette d'Auteuil de Monceaux, François-Madeleine-Fortuné, Memorandum on Canada, 1689
- Roi de France, Memorandum to Jacques Brisay de Denonville and Jean Bochart de Champigny, May 1, 1689
- Raudot, Jacques, Ordinance relative to slavery in Canada, April 13, 1709
- Inconnu/Unknown, Summary of the deliberations of the Council of Marine, 1717
- Roi de France, Reply to governor Beauharnois and intendant Hocquart regarding slavery, April 11, 1735
Diaries, Journals or Reminiscences
Government Documents
- Hocquart, Gilles, Ordinance on the subject of the status of a panis slave, May 29, 1733
- Hocquart, Gilles, Ordinance relative to the liberation of slaves, September 1, 1736
- État civil, paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal, Baptism of Angélique and her children
- Paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal, Baptism of several Panis slaves, March 21, 1719
- Simonnet, François, Sale by Sieur La Coste of a slave named Manon to Sieur de Couagne, September 7, 1740
- Pinguet de Vaucour, Jacques-Nicolas, Sale of five Black slaves by Charles Rhéaume to Louis Cureaux de Saint-Germain, September 25, 1743
- Danré de Blanzy, Louis-Claude, Inventory of goods belonging to the estate of M. de Longueuil, March 12, 1755
- Rigaud de Vaudreuil, Philippe, et Michel Bégon, Memorandum of 14 October 1716 to the Minister of Marine, in Collection of Manuscripts Containing Letters, Memorandums, and other Historical Documents Relative to New France Gathered at the Archives of the Province of Québec, or Copied Abroad, Organised and Edited under the Auspices of the Québec Legislature with a table, etc., 1884