Letter by Élisabeth Rocbert de la Morandière, dite Madame Bégon, on the subject of some Montréal women, 8 January 1749.
The 8.
Today we saw, dear son, madame Bouatt, whom I informed you has been [residing]
since the feast of St martin at the hospital of the charon brothers along
with madame youvil; it is a comedy to see her; she does little more than preach
and speak of the pleasure of living away from people; she assured us of the
conversion of four ladies locked up at the géricau [Jéricho, gaol for prostitutes];
she visits them from time to time; I believe that I mentioned them to you;
they are madame guiniolete [Gouriou dit Guignolet] and her daughter, madame
sanspoille and one from the city of quebec whose name I do not know; all that
madame Bouat fears is that the soldiers might feel inclined to release these
ladies from captivity, but I do not feel that their intention was to do wrong.[...]
Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Québec, Journal de Madame Bégon, P2, P57, Rocbert de la Morandière, Elisabeth (Madame Bégon), Letter regarding certain Montréal women, January 8, 1749.