small flourish

Pastoral letter by Monseigneur de Saint-Vallier on the dress code for the inhabitants of Villemarie, 26 April 1719.


We, Jean, By Grace And the Holy Apostolic See Bishop of quebec, to Our Dear Children The inhabitants of The parish of Ville marie Greetings and Our Lord’s Blessings.

It is with sorrow that we learned upon Our return from france of the lack of decorum You exhibit in dressing merely in a Shirt without under garments And without britches during the Summer months in order to counter the extreme heat, which Startled us all the more as we See in this practice the violation of The rules of modesty advocated for All Christians, And Almost an invitation to sin, for you And for all persons who can See You in this manner, requiring that We list for you the endless Number of sins for which You will be found guilty at your Hour of Death, not merely your Own sins but also those of others, for which The prophet King asked God so insistently to be delivered, and which Are all the more dangerous as they are not known,


And which never Cease to offend God to the extent that He may refuse to grant us The most necessary of graces. For this reason, we have required of monsieur Le marquis de Vaudreuïl Governor general for the whole of the country to assist us by whatever means in order to eradicate from Your parish This most heinous custom that is certain to Be The damnation of a great number of fathers as well as children. If You are concerned by Our reprimands And respond to our paternal Exhortations, Rest assured that We will view You as our Dearest Children, whom We will have fathered once again in the image of Jesus-Christ, Quos iterum parturio in Christo. There is no temporal nor Spiritual Benediction that We will not bestow upon You Dear Children, If you accept to submit Yourselves


to more modest conduct In your work and activities. If You oblige us to bemoan God regarding the stubbornness with which some of you would like to maintain Such a despicable custom, which we regard as pernicious for Society as well as for morality, we can do nothing in the name of God And humanity to Have you do Your duty, but we do Hope that through The goodness of Your Hearts, And with the obedience of Children you will accept to do Whatever is required of you by Your immediate pastor for Your Salvation. It is hoped that this misbehaviour will cease And that we will have The consolation of finding in You faithful Christians and obedient Children. Et erunt docibiles Dei. Given at Ville marie by Us and our Secretary, And Sealed with the Seal of Our Arms this Twenty-Six April seventeen Hundred nineteen.

[signed]Jean bishop of quebec

By Monseigneur

Source: Archives nationales du Canada, , MG18, H25, no 1, de La Croix de Chevrières de Saint-Vallier, Jean-Baptiste, Pastoral letter on the dress code for the inhabitants of Villemarie, April 26, 1719.

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