Doukhobor factions
![[ Nudes at God's Valley settlement, near Grand Forks, greet a visitor, 1918, Unknown, UBC Special Collections 16-1 ] [ Nudes at God's Valley settlement, near Grand Forks, greet a visitor, 1918, Unknown, UBC Special Collections 16-1 ]](../../images/site/42825_2.jpg)
The Doukhobors were nothing if not factionalized. By the 1920s they were divided in many ways. There were Independents, who had broken with Verigin and the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood (CCUB). Seeing the example of the Independents, some commune members must also have strongly considered the idea of setting up their own farms. Then there were the svobodniki, who insisted on a pure form of Doukhoborism that rejected modernism and any accommodation with governments and their laws. Verigin and the svobodniki had a complex relationship. He expelled them from the community, but appeared to tolerate them squatting on communal lands. For their part, the "purists" were not afraid to prove their vigilance in defence of Doukhobor principles. In 1916, for instance, they burned Verigin’s palatial dom, or community home, in Otradno, Saskatchewan, as a warning both to Verigin and his followers not to idealize and worship the image of Verigin or to take the dom itself to be an icon. It was likely also zealots who burned Verigin’s impressive summer house/office at Brilliant, in British Columbia, in April 1924. If their opposition to Verigin’s displays of splendour could justify arson, could it also justify murder?
Even within the commune there were divisions. Boom times generated by World War One injected money into the commune, and an elite of local managers had emerged. Ask yourself what the photos of these men portray about them and their way of life compared to ordinary Doukhobors toiling in the rural villages. Were they ready to push Lordly aside and seize the limelight for themselves?
Yet another possible conspirator against Lordly was his long-time companion, Anastasia Holubova. About 1923, after having been at Verigin’s side for the two decades since he came to Canada, Holubova may have seen her special status threatened. At his death, Verigin was traveling with 17-year-old Mary Strelaeff. Although Strelaeff has been described as Verigin’s secretary, it is highly unlikely that she was even literate, in Russian or English. Doukhobor girls rarely went to school. Could jealousy and revenge be a motive or did Holubova reason that with Verigin dead she might have the opportunity to lead the Doukhobors? After his death she did make a bid to succeed Verigin.
The police theory was that fellow Doukhobors had killed Verigin. Their suspicions focused on two men who were Russian immigrants but not Doukhobors. (It is important to note that the Doukhobors themselves made the distinction.) One was the flamboyant Sam Kamenshikoff, also known as Orange Sam, whose bizarre behaviour and dress made him an easy target of suspicion. The second police suspect was the watchmaker with a toolkit full of aliases, Metro Grishin. But aside from the problem of evidence for their involvement in any bombing, what motive might they have had to kill Verigin? Could they have been acting for others, in Canada or beyond?
Government Documents
- Unknown, RCMP Note Regarding Testimony At Inquest From Conductor Turner And Trainman Marquis
- G.O Reid, R.L. Cadiz, R.S. Knight, RCMP Report Regarding Search For Dan Grenor, November 7, 1924
- G.O. Reid, RCMP Report Regarding Explosion On C.P.R. Train At Farron, BC., November 1, 1924
- Simeon Kamenchikoff, Simeon Kamenchikoff Statement to RCMP, November 5, 1924
- G.F.Killiam, Grand Forks BCPP Report Re: CPR Explosion, November 6, 1924
- Ernest Gammon, BC Provincial Police Crime Report, November 7, 1924
- A.G. Birch and R.L. Cadiz, RCMP Report Regarding Stolen Dynamite, November 7, 1924
- F. Cruickshank, Letter from F. Cruickshank Re: Doukhobors and other Russians, July 15, 1930
- W.C. Cowell, Memorandum from Department of Immigration and Colonization to A.E. Skinner , July 17, 1930
- Unknown, Investigator Report, July 18, 1932
- C.G. Barber, Police Report on Grishin (Greitchen) Metro, August 22, 1932
- A.M. Johnson, A.M. Johnson Letter to Verigin, July 18, 1919, July 18, 1919
- Peter Verigin, Verigin Response to Johnson, July 28, 1919, July 28, 1919
- Courtenay Forbes, Immigration Department record on Dmytre Grenczuk, July 29, 1924
- A.B. Godlien, May 15, 1965 RCMP Memo Re Metro Grieshin, May 14, 1965
- E.O. Peever, Sgt, July 27, 1965 RCMP Memo re Metro Grieshin, July 27, 1965
Newspaper or Magazine Articles
- The Province, Bomb Cause of Details is Certain, The Province, October 30, 1924
- Nelson Daily News, Heaven Czar Fills Cell in Nelson Jail, Nelson Daily News, November 6, 1924
- Nelson Daily News, Orange Sam Got Beating From Peter, Nelson Daily News, November 7, 1924
- Nelson Daily News, Orange Man Had Dreams of Peters Death, Nelson Daily News, November 8, 1924
Oral History or Interview