![[ Woman by woodstove in typical Doukhobor communal home, Unknown, UBC Special Collections 14-19 ] [ Woman by woodstove in typical Doukhobor communal home, Unknown, UBC Special Collections 14-19 ]](../images/site/42811_2.jpg)
An archives is a place where historic records are kept. Often these archives are buildings or places in buildings, like the Archives of British Columbia and the Library and Archives Canada. This site is, in effect, a virtual archives, limited to the documents that we believe bear directly on the key questions of the death of Peter Verigin. The documents, including images, all appear in two locations on the website: 1) organized by theme in the sections called “Context," “The Explosion,” “The Suspects,” and “Aftermath;” and 2) organized by document type here in the archives.
As complex as it may seem, this site is a very simple archives. In order to research the past, and in order to create this archives which allows you to do so, researchers must search through masses of documents in physical archival buildings in order to locate, select and transcribe documents that seem relevant before they can begin the process you are engaged in.
This virtual archives is organized by the type of source. This is similar to the standard form of archival organization, where records are grouped by “provenance,” i.e., by their original location (for example, by government department, by particular individual or family, or by company) and in the order in which they were originally created and organized. The citations will tell you in which archives, newspaper or report the original may be found, and the “About this source” files linked to each document will give more details on why and how historians use these sources.
References to secondary sources and websites can be found through the Beyond this Site link in the “Context” section.