RCMP Report Regarding Stolen Dynamite
“E” Division W. Kootenay Sub-Dist.Vancouver
Penticton Detachment.
November 7th, 1924.
P.R. 1-11-24
Re: — Explosion on C.P.R. Train
Farron, B.C.
B.C. District
Ref. 24-12P-3.
On November 5th, 1924 I interviewed A.D. Dalgliesh of Tarry, B.C. who stated as follows:
"I am a line foreman for the West Kootenay Light and Power Co. During the latter part of Sept. 1924 my gang was working near Brilliant when a report was made to me one morning, that a full case of 40% E.X.L. dynamite was stolen. This dynamite was in a tool box which was locked and left alongside of the Govt. Road, upon investigation I discovered a nut had been taken off the stove bolt that holds the lid in place, these nuts were on the inside of the box which would indicate that someone had taken the nuts off, who had access to the box during the day. Previous to that I had three independent Doukhobors working on that gang, and all of these Doukhobors were not working on Oct. 29th. and are still not working, two men being sick, and one dismissed, the two sick men are Padnomorff and Ogloff, the man dismissed was Stereleoff.
About two or three weeks previous to this theft, a box of primers had been taken, and another box of a different make substituted, these primers were kept in the tool box at night, which was locked but the staple that held the lock was smashed."
Dalgliesh reported this theft of dynamite to the Office of West Kootenay Light & Power Co. Bonnington. B.C. who in turn reported the theft to the Provincial Police. Nelson, B.C.. who are in full possession of the facts, and are working on same.
The three Doukhobors mentioned do not belong to the Christian Community, having broken away, Stereloff has been a soldier in Russia, and is supposed to be antagonistic to the late Peter Veregin, at present he is working for another Dukhobbor named Bill Sesterbito residing near Thrums
A check up of firms dealing in explosives was made the C.X.L. Co. Ltd. Nelson, B.C. & The Giant Powder Co. Nelson, B.C. and also Hardware stores supplying explosives through these firms, These firms had supplied quite a quantity of explosives to the Christian Community of Brilliant, B.C. which had been spread over a considerable period, there was nothing to indicate that there had been any unusual sale or anything suspicious, beyond the theft reported upon and which the Provincial Police are investigating.
A.G. Birch Sergt.
(Signed) A.G. Birch.
# 5166.
Officer Commanding,
R.C.M.P., B.C. Dist..
Vancouver, B.C.
Sir: — Forwarded.
R.L. Cadiz. Insp.R.L. CADIZ
Commanding West Kootenay Sub-District.
Penticton. B.C.