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Kamenchikoff, Who Wears Oranges On Head, Is Held.

Sam Kamenchikoff, self-styled "Czar of Heaven," and known locally as the "Orange Man," from his habit of carrying oranges on his head, is spending a few days in the Nelson city jail, having been taken into custody at Brilliant Saturday evening by Staff Sergt. E. Gammon and Corporal Johnstone of Trail.

Orders for his detention came from Inspector W. R. Dunwoody of the provincial police, from Grand Forks, Saturday, and Staff Sergeant Gammon and Corporal Johnstone at once went to Brilliant and brought him into Nelson.

So far the police have assigned no reason for his detention, but it is reported from Grand Forks that he was seen at Farron near the time of the late train disaster.

Kamenchikoff is a man of about 42, and a native of Bessarabia. He joined the Doukhobors at Grand Forks in 1917, and about two years ago left them to go to California. In company with two Doukhobors he was turned back by the immigration authorities, and the three retaliated by stripping themselves of their clothing in the C.P.R. depot in Vancouver. They were judged to be unbalanced, and sent to the asylum at New Westminster.

At the end of nine months Kamenchikoff was adjudged sane and released, coming back to Grand Forks. For some time he has been regarded as one of the fanatic group of Doukhobors.

He claims to have spent three days in heaven, and for this reason speaks and writes of himself as the Czar of Heaven. The oranges he is noted for carrying on his head, he says, is for the nourishment of Christ on his second coming.

Source: "Heaven Czar Fills Cell in Nelson Jail," Nelson Daily News, November 6, 1924.

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