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Location of religious non-conformists who migrated to the Milky Waters settlement (Molochaya Voda) in Tavrida Province Following Tsar Alexander I's Ukaze (Proclamation) of 1802
Title: Location of religious non-conformists who migrated to the Milky Waters settlement (Molochaya Voda) in Tavrida Province Following Tsar Alexander I's Ukaze (Proclamation) of 1802
Map-maker: Koozma J. Tarasoff
Pages: 41

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Early Doukhobor settlements in Western Canada
Title: Early Doukhobor settlements in Western Canada
Map-maker: Koozma J. Tarasoff
Pages: 61

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Geographic movements of the Doukhobors, 1898-1913
Title: Geographic movements of the Doukhobors, 1898-1913
Map-maker: Koozma J. Tarasoff
Pages: 100

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Doukhobor settlements in the Boundary and West Kootenay Districts of British Columbia
Title: Doukhobor settlements in the Boundary and West Kootenay Districts of British Columbia
Map-maker: Koozma J. Tarasoff
Pages: 105

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Car 1518 Seating
Title: Car 1518 Seating
Map-maker: S. Daniel. Starshell Maps

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Location of Bodies
Title: Location of Bodies
Map-maker: Nelson Coroner's Inquest

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Title: Route
Map-maker: S. Daniel. Starshell Maps

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