Nov. 6, 1924 Crime Report from Grand Forks Detachment
DIVISION: "B" File No.DISTRICT: Boundary November 6, 1924.
Canadian Pacific Railway - Explosion on train, complaint of -
On receipt on the evening of the 1st. inst. of report that one Alec Markin related to George Markin injured in the above disaster had made a statement that Sam Kamenshikoff a member of the Independent Doukhobor Colony situated on the Graham ranch near here was responsible for the disaster I immediately endeavored Alec Markin, but failed to find him until the following afternoon. He then denied making such statement and declared that until returning home on Thursday evening Oct. 30th from the lumber woods where he is employed he had no knowledge of the disaster having been taken pace. I questioned him fully in the matter and do not doubt that he knew nothing of this matter.
On Monday morning I left Grand Forks by the east-bound way freight, proceeding to Coryell where Kamenshikoff had been working at the time of the disaster to the train. I interviewed Mr. Michael Hopland, section foreman at this place, to whom I am indebted for his ready assistance and endeavors to render me any help possible. I had him check up his stock of dynamite and of dry cell batteries on hand. finding all correct. I questioned him as to what he knew of the movements of Kamenshikoff on that night and he informed me that Kamenshikoff and one Swetlizoff slept in a room upstairs in the section house. Hopland also sleeps in this section house and his door is situated at the foot of the stairs and opens out of the stair passage. Hopland informs me that he was awake quite late on that night, that shortly after 11 p.m. he had heard one of these men come down the stairs and return about ten minutes later; that at 11:30 he heard another descending and a few moments later returning. Coryell is 8 1/2 miles from Farron. He further states that both Kamenchikoff and Swetlizoff were in the building to his knowledge at 5 a.m. on the morning of the 29th. Hopland received call to proceed with his crew to the scene of the disaster, and Kamenshikoff accompanied him. I went to the room occupied by Kamenshikoff and made a thorough examination of the furnishings, floor, walls, windows, and every conceivable place, but without finding anything out of ordinary nor any tool or article which might point to an infernal machine or its parts having been manufactured there. I went outside the building and searched all about in every direction thoroughly to locate anything that might have been discarded material or tools, but without success. As the freight had long since departed Mr. Hopland on my request further provided me with a speeder to take me to Farron, the next section house being there. Arrived, I visited Mr. Norman McKenzie, in charge of the extra gang at that point (this extra gang was stationed at Tunnel on the night of the disaster) and found that his stock of explosives correct. I visited the section foreman, also finding his stock correct. I located no other stocks of explosives at Farron. [...]
G. F.KillamConstable.
i/c Grand Forks Detachment.
To the N.C.O. In Charge. Boundary District "B" Division. Penticton. B.C.