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Barkerville Gold Rush Community and Its Newspaper, the Cariboo Sentinel

Lectures complémentaires

Société coloniale et provinciale

Bagshaw, Roberta L. dir. No Better Land: The 1860 Diaries of the Anglican Colonial Bishop George Hills. Victoria, Sono Nis, 1996.

Bridge, Kathryn. Henry and Self, The Private Life of Sarah Crease, 1826-1922 Victoria, Sono Nis, 1996.

Macfie, Matthew. Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Londres, Longman, Green, 1865; réimpression Coles, 1972.

Mackie, Richard. The Wilderness Profound: Victorian Life on the Gulf of Georgia. Victoria, Sono Nis, 1995.

Mayne, Richard. Four Years in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Londres, 1862; réimpression, 1967.

Perry, Adelle. « 'I'm So Sick of the Faces of Men,' Gender Imbalance, Race, Sexuality and Sociality in Nineteenth Century, B.C. » BC Studies, No. 105-6, (Spring/Summer 1995) pp. 27-44.

Sandwell, Ruth. « Rural Reconstruction: Towards a New Synthesis in Canadian History.» Histoire Sociale/Social History Vol. XXVII, No. 53 (May 1994) pp. 1-32.

La justice dans la Colombie-Britannique coloniale

British Columbia, Colony. British Columbia Proclamations and Ordinances. Victoria, 1865.

British Columbia, Colony. British Columbia Laws. Victoria, 1871.

Foster, Hamar. « 'The Queen's Law is Better than Yours': International Homicide in Early British Columbia. » Essays in the History of Canadian Law. Jim Phillips, Tina Loo et Susan Lethwaite, éd. Toronto, Osgoode Society, 1994, pp. 41-111.

Foster, Hamar. « Killing Mr. John: Law and Jurisdiction at Fort Stikine, 1842-1846. » Law for the Elephant, Law for the Beaver. John McLaren, Hamar Foster et Chet Orloff, éd. Regina, Canadian Plains Research Society, 1992, pp. 147-193.

Herbert, R.G. « A Brief History of the Introduction of English Law into British Columbia. » U.B.C. Legal Notes 2, 1954, pp. 93-100.

Loo, Tina. « The Road From Bute Inlet: Crime and Colonial Identity in British Columbia. » Essays in the History of Canadian Law. Jim Phillips, Tina Loo et Susan Lethwaite, éd. Toronto, Osgoode Society, 1994, pp. 112-142.

Loo, Tina. Making Law, Order and Authority in British Columbia, 1821-1871. Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1994.

McLaren, John. « The Early British Columbia Judges: The Rule of Law and the 'Chinese Question': The California and Oregon Connection. » Law for the Elephant, Law for the Beaver. John McLaren, Hamar Foster et Chet Orloff, éd. Regina, Canadian Plains Research Society, 1992, pp. 237-273.

Salt Spring Island

Flucke, A.F. « Early Days on Saltspring Island. » British Columbia Historical Quarterly. Vol. 15, no. 3&4, 1951.

Hamilton, Beatrice. Salt Spring Island. Vancouver, Mitchell, 1969.

Hill, Beth et autres Times Past: Salt Spring Island Houses and History Before the Turn of the Century. Ganges, Salt Spring Island Historical Society, 1983.

Reimer, Derek. The Gulf Islanders. Victoria, Aural History Program, 1976.

Roberts, Eric. Salt Spring Saga: An Exciting Story of Pioneer Days. Ganges, Driftwood, c1962.

Toynbee, Richard Mouat. Snapshots of Early Salt Spring and Other Favoured Islands. Ganges, Mouats Trading Co., 1978.

Walter, Margaret. Early Days Among the Gulf Islands of B.C. Victoria, 1946.

La colonie de Noirs sur l’île de Vancouver

Foner, Philip S. « The Coloured Inhabitants of Vancouver Island. » B.C. Studies No. 8. Winter 1970-71. Comprend le récit anonyme d’une personne noire ayant vécu à Victoria au milieu des années 1860.

Gibbs, Mifflin Wistar. Shadow and Light: An Autobiography. New York, Arno Press, 1968. L’autobiographie de M. Gibbs décrit l’atmosphère qui régnait à San Francisco et qui a mené à la migration des Noirs vers la Colombie-Britannique. Elle décrit aussi brièvement l’époque où il a vécu en C.-B. avant de retourner aux États-Unis.

Howay, F.W. « The Negro Immigration into Vancouver Island in 1858. » British Columbia Historical Quarterly. Vol. 3, 1939, pp. 101-113.

Irby, Charles. « Black Settlers on Salt Spring Island in the Nineteenth Century. » Association of Pacific Coast Geographers Yearbook. Corvallis, Oregon State University Press, 1974, pp. 35-44.

Killian, Crawford. Go Do Some Great Thing: The Black Pioneers of B.C. Vancouver, Douglas and McIntyre, 1978.

Pilton, James W. « Negro Settlement in B.C., 1858-1871 » Master's Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1951.

Reid. P.H. « Segregation in British Columbia » The Bulletin. L’Église unie du Canada, Vol. 16, 1963, pp. 1-15.

La colonie hawaïenne

Koppel, Tom. Kanaka, The Untold Story of Hawaiian Pioneers in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. Vancouver, Whitecap, 1995.

Lane, M. Melia. « Migration of Hawaiians to Coastal B.C., 1810-1869. » Master's Thesis, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 1985.

Les peuples autochtones

Chemainus Tribal Council. Legends from the Chemainus Tribe. Chemainus Tribal Council, 1992.

Dolby B. Turner, éd. When the Rains Came, and Other Legends of the Salish People. Victoria, Orca Books, 1992.

Elliot, Dave. Saltwater People. Janet Poth, éd. Saanich, B.C., Saanich School District 63, 1983.

Fisher, Robin. Contact and Conflict: Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890. University of British Columbia, 1992.

Lutz, John. « After the Fur Trade: The Aboriginal Labouring Class of British Columbia, 1849- 1890. » Journal of the Canadian Historical Association Vol. 3, 1992, pp. 69-95.

Suttles, Wayne. Coast Salish Essays. Vancouver, Talonbooks, 1987.

Suttles, Wayne. Economic Life of the Coast Salish of Haro and Rosario Straits. New York Garland, 1974.