[ Harris Portrait, Grace Redpath ]

Robert Harris, McGill University Archives, McGill University, This portrait of Grace Wood Redpath by Robert Harris captures her sympathetic character

Grace Wood was the daughter of Manchester merchant and philanthropist William Wood. She married Peter Redpath on October 16, 1847 in England, and shortly after accompanied him to Montreal where she lived until1881, before returning to England where she and Peter settled into an estate at Chislehurst, Kent. There were no children born from this marriage. It was to Grace’s home in Chislehurst Amy retreated following the tragedy in 1901 and again in 1902 when her brother Peter died. She also wed Thomas Roddick at Chislehurst in 1906.

Grace was a devout Methodist who offered emotional and religious succour to Amy and Peter following the tragedy in 1901, encouraging them, for instance, to look to God for reassurance and support. Grace Wood Redpath remained at Chislehurst with her sister Agnes Wood until her death on January 30, 1907 at the age of 91. Ironically Grace died on the same day as her mother-in-law Jane Drummond Redpath. Both women were reputed to feel great animosity toward each other.

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