Qaqortingneq's Map Key [reported by Knud Rasmussen]
Survey Map of King William's Land. Drawn by Qaqortingneq Looking from south to north.
- malᴇrualik - the place where one follows after (i.e. the caribou). Here: a point,
a well-known autumn hunting place.
- tasᴇrʃuᴀq - the big lake. Lies just inside No. 1.
- kaɳerʟuᴀrʃuk - the little fjord. Here: a small indentation in the coast.
- sāt•iumanᴇq - the projecting one. Here: a peninsula on the west side of the island.
- kaɳilugjuᴀq - the big headland.
- tununᴇq - the back. Here: a stretch of land on the north side of the island.
- ujarasukʃuktalik - the place with the many pieces of rock. A small island north of
No. 6. This, and the following island, from Beaufort Islands.
- kiɳiktuᴀrʃuk - the little hill. Island close to No. 7.
- uҌlutɔ•q - the place where there is much nest-down. Here: an island where birds (presumably
eider ducks) breed.
- sublᴀ•rʃuk - the little sound. The channel between Nos. 8 and 9.
- qᴇqᴇrtᴀrʃuᴀq - the big island. Northwest of Matty Island.
- kiɳ•ᴀq - the mountain. Here: the lofty island of Kingaq.
- ᴀqiϰsgnᴇrto•t - where ptarmigan are abundant. An island south of Matty Island,
- kigignᴇrtᴀq - the place that is high. Here: the high land on the northeast side of
King William's Land.
- ᴇqaluɳmiut - those who live by the trout place. Old Tuneq settlement near a river.
- igluligᴀ•rʃuk - the little place with houses. Locality on a peninsula.
- sa•t•ɔrtɔ•q - the place with the many flat ones (stones).
- agvᴀq - the halved one. A peninsula divided by a bay cutting into it.
- sa•t•uᴀrʃuk - the little flat one. A locality in Schwatka Bay.
- sa•t•uᴀrʃo•p kaɳᴇrʟua - the bay with the little flat one. The Eskimo name for Schwatka
- ɔrʃɔrtɔ•q - the blubber-abounding one. Here: a bay. Gjøa Harbour. Presumably derives
its name from the fact that after the spring hunting the blubber is cached there as
winter supplies.
- ᴀqiϰsgᴇrto•t - the ptarmigan-abounding ones. Here: two small islands, Hovgaards Islands.
- qiunᴀ•q - the place where one can freeze to death. Here: a small island.
- qɔ•rqa - meaning unknown. A frequented autumn centre of the salmon fishery.
- fasᴇrʃuaq - the big lake. Has an outlet at No. 24.
- qeqᴇrtaligᴀ•rʃuk - the one with the many islands. A lake in the interior.
- to•kliktɔ•q - the place with the many great northern divers. A small lake.
- tunuklᴇq - the hindmost one. Here: a lake.
- niaqɔernalik - the place with the head-shaped mountain. A locality near a lake.
- tasᴇrsjuᴀq - the big lake.
About this document ...
- Written by: Knud Rasmussen
- Published in: The Netsilik Eskimos: Social Life and Spiritual Culture
- Published by: Gyldendalske Boghandel
- Place: Copenhagen
- Date: 1931
- Page(s): 99-100