small flourish

July 27, 1965 RCMP Memo re Metro Grieshin

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Division: Chilliwack
Detachment Special ā€˜D’ Section
Province: British Columbia
Date 27 July 1965

SVOBODNIKI ā€“ Information from Simma Holt

... I interviewed Peter P. SLASTUKIN ... at the SVOBODNIK camp in Agassiz regarding this matter. ... I ... questioned SLASTUKIN about his alleged association with Metro GRIESHIN ... He insisted that neither he nor Bill CHERNENKOFF brought GRIESHIN to the Freedomite encampment at Porto Rico in 1929. Instead he said that GRIESHIN came there on his own from Essondale Mental Hospital. Within couple of months [sic] he claims GRIESHIN was chased out of the camp by a group that included CHERNENKOFF and himself. CHERNENKOFF told me basically the same story as SLASTUKIN and maintains that neither of them associated with GRIESHIN in any way, at any time. ...

E.O. Peever, Sgt.
i/c Chilliwack S/D. Special ā€œDā€ Section

Source: Steve Lapshinoff, Documentary Report on the Death of Peter Verigin, in a Train Explosion near Farron, B.C. in 1924 (Crescent Valley, BC: Steve Lapshinoff, 1993), pp. 314, , , E.O. Peever, Sgt, July 27, 1965 RCMP Memo re Metro Grieshin, July 27, 1965. Notes: Cited in Steve Lapshinoff, Documentary Report on the Death of Peter Verigin et .al. in a Train Explosion near Farron, B.C. in 1924 (Crescent Valley: Steve Lapshinoff, 1993), p. 314

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