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Letter Discussing Doukhobor Children Attending School

Grand Forks, B.C.,
9th October, 1925.

The Honourable A.M.Manson, K.C.
Victoria, B.C.

Dear Mr.Manson:

re Doukhobours.

Now that the schools have reopened after the vacation I thought you would like to hear from me as to the position here. From enquiries I have made from the local school trustees and others I find the position is now entirely satisfactory and they all seem to be of one mind that the firm stand taken by yourself and colleagues is the reason.

I met Inspector Sheffield here the other day this week and he informed me that not only here but in other Doukhobour communities the situation was very satisfactory.

He gave me the following figures:

There are now 268 Doukhobour children attending schools in the different Doukhobour communities and that he expected 30 more to attend the "Outlook" school here which was opened this week and he had a promise from Larion Veregin that 25 children of his followers would be at school this week or beginning of next which would make a grand total of 323, far more Doukhobour children than have ever been in attendance before and the not least pleasing feature is that a big percentage are girls and heretofore they have always kicked on sending the girls.

Then there are five new schools built and in use and two remodelled buildings made into permanent schools.

Possibly, and in fact probably, I am not giving you any news but I thought it better to write you in case you had not been already advised of the situation which I think you will agree is very satisfactory and we here at all events feel grateful to your good self for the stand you took and think it is what did the trick.

Yours sincerely,
(sgd) Chas.F.R. Pincott.

Source: BC Archives, Premier - 1925 - Doukhobor, GR 441 Vol. 246 File 7, Chas. F.R. Pincott, Letter Discussing Doukhobor Children Attending School, October 9, 1925.

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