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Impressive Services at Church and Grave for Late M.L.A.


A great throng of sorrowing friends paid a tribute of esteem at the funeral service on Sunday afternoon in First Presbyterian Church, to John McKie, member of the Legislature for Grand Forks, who was one of the victims of railway disaster last Wednesday. The church was almost filled and, following the service, the many friends filed past the casket for a last look at the face of the man they held in high honor.

The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. R. G. MacBeth, pastor of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. who was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church when the late Mr. McKie was a member of that congregation. Assist ing in the service were Rev. Richmond Craig, pastor of the church and also two former pastors of the Presbyterian Church in Grand Forks. Rev. J. H. Robertson of St. David's and Rev. Hillis Wright of St. Matthew's.

The latter part of the church service and also the service at the cemetery was conducted by Vimy Lodge No. 97. A. F. and A. M. Burial was in the Masonic plot in Mountain View cemetery.


After referring to the funeral service held at Grand Forks, during which the business of the city was suspended as a tribute of respect to the late Mr. McKie, Rev. Dr. MacBeth stated that if: was fitting to hold a service here at the church which Mr. McKie had attended as a lad and in which later he had entered into full communion. He had been of the foremost members in achievement in church work.

Mr. McKie's father and mother had also attended that church in the early days. The father had been an elder, devoted and eager in all his works, and at one time had given almost all that he had in order that the church might exist. No son could have shown more beautiful devotion to his parents than Mr. McKie had done. The church had been a central interest in his life and, if he had been spared, his life would have meant much for British Columbia.

Many Floral Tributes.

"I can think," said Rev. Dr. MacBeth, "of Canada saying to us now, 'Give me men to watch my mountains, men to watch my plains, men of lofty aspirations and broad vision, ' John McKie, who grew up in our community, was such a man,"

The pall-bearers were the following members of the Masonic order: Rev. Hillis Wright. and Messers J. Clark, D. J. McLennarm, T. White. P. Anderson and H. Collier.

Floral tributes were received from the British Columbia Legislative Assembly. Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen. Hon. Dr. and Mrs. Tolmie, Vimy Lodge No. 97 A. F. and A. M., employees of the Boundary Ironworks, Rossland Preceptory, No. 88, Boundary Chapter, No. 12, Fidelity Lodge. No. 22 of Trail, City Cartage Co., Grand Forks High School, Eastern Star, Grand Forks Conservative Association, United Lady's Aid, King Edward Lodge, Greenwood; Canadian Girls in Training, Harmony Lodge, No. 37, Kettle Valley Creamery, executive and members of Canadian Manufactures' Association, Women's Auxiliary of the Conservative Association and members of the family.

Source: "Many Attend McKie Funeral," The Province, November 3, 1924.

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