VICTORIA Oct 29 - Condolences have been forwarded to Mrs. John Mc- Kie on behalf of the Provincial Gov- ernment by Premier Oliver, as the re- sult of the tragic death of Mr. John McKie, M.L.A. for Grand Forks.
The passing of the Grand Forks member changes the political situation in the Legislature materially. The Conservatives now have one member less and there is little chance of a by-election being held for some time. With the Legislature opening Mon- day, a new election will not be held for two weeks and then two weeks more would have to elapse before the mem- ber elect would take his seat. There- fore, the new session of the Legisla- ture will have only fort-seven mem- bers, instead of the forty-eight pro- vided for by the Redistribution Bill.
Following the provincial election in June, the composition of the Legisla- ture stood: Liberals 24, Conservatives 18, Provincials 3, Labor 3. This gave the Liberals only 24 seats out of 43 in the House and with the selection of a speaker it meant that the united op- position at any time it chose could defeat the government. Mr. McKie's death now gives the Liberals a major- ity of one over a united opposition.