small flourish

Police Report on Grishin (Greitchen) Metro

DISTRICT: West Kootenay

British Columbia Provincial Police

File no.
DETACHMENT: Nelson Date: 22-8-32

Unorganized Territory.


Re - FARRON RAILWAY EXPLOSION - October 28, 1924.
Re- GRISHIN (or Greitchen) Metro - Enquiries concerning.

Mr. Peter Hardie, Hotel Proprietor, Castlegar, was shown the photo of the above named man and immediately identified it as the above named, who was a watchmaker, was around Castlegar on and off for sometime before the Farron disaster, was there day before the disaster, and on the evening it happened, Mr. Hardie could not say if Grishin got on the train or not.

Joseph Blaney, C.P.R., Engineer, was shown the photo, but could not recognize it as being either of the two men he saw carry grips to Peter Veregin on the train at Castlegar the night of the explosion.

Photo of Grishin attached.

(C.G. Barber) Sergt. i/c,
West Kootenay District.

The Officer Commanding,
"B" Division,
Nelson, BC

Source: Library and Archives Canada, Access to Information Request A-2004-00120, RG 18 Vol 3306 File HQ 750-1-1, C.G. Barber, Police Report on Grishin (Greitchen) Metro, August 22, 1932.

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