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RCMP Report on Doukhobor Conditions, April 11, 1925

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

ā€œEā€ Division. West Kootenay
Sub-District Office.
Penticton, B.C., April 11th, 1925

H.Q. Ref:
D. 1 J-2.
B.C. District
Ref. No.
25-100 P-2.


On Sunday April 5th, 1925, the Doukhobors held a mass meeting at Brilliant, B.C. and were addressed by Inspector Dunwoody, Provincial Police, and School Inspector Shefield, who advised them to send their children to school, also informing that they would be prosecuted if they did not do so. The Doukhobors in reply stated that they would not send their children to school as they needed them at home, also saying that education had a tendency to make them unchristian; they also published an appeal for leniency in the Nelson News, dated April 8th, 1925, copies of same are attached hereto.

On Monday, the 6th April, Inspector Dunwoody and School Inspector Shefield notified the Doukhobors at Grand Forks, B.C. to send their children to school, this they refused to do and on Tuesday, the 7th April, Summonses were issued and served on 100 Heads of Families -- these Summonses were ignored. On March 8th, thirty eight Doukhobors were brought before Stipendiary Magistrate Neil McCallum, Grand Forks, B.C., and fined $100.00 each, the fines were not paid, and orders were issued to collect fines by Levy on Chattels. This order will be strongly contested on the grounds that all property belongs to the Community and cannot be seized on account of any individual member.

From the appearances of the situtation, when I left the District, I am of the opinion that there will be some trouble with the Doukhobors.

[signed] G.O. Reid D.S./Sgt.
G.O. Reid.
Reg. No. 6556.

Officer Commanding,
R.C.M.Police, B.C. District,
Vancouver, B.C.
Sir :- Forwarded.

[signed] R.L. Cadiz Insp.
Commanding West Kootenay S/Dist.

Penticton, B.C.
Ottawa, Ont.

Sir: Forwarded.
This is further to my communication of the 8th. instant.

(signed) R.S. Knight
Asst. Commisioner Commanding B.C. District.

15-4-25 C/C

Source: Library and Archives Canada, Doukhobors Conditions General British Columbia, RG 18 Vol 3313 File 1925 - 1131 - E - 1, G.O. Reid, RCMP Report on Doukhobor Community Conditions, April 11, 1925, April 11, 1925.

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