RCMP Report Regarding Search For Dan Gregor
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
West KootenaySub-District Office,
Penticton. B.C. November 7th. 1924
FARRON, B.C. B.C. District
Ref.: 24-12 P-3 .
Further to my report of the 1st instant in the above connection; on the morning of Nov. 2nd Sergt. Birch and myself proceeded by train to Brilliant, B.C., where we attended the funeral of Peter Veregin and made further inquiries with a view of ascertaining the whereabouts of DAN GRENOR, mentioned in my previous report as being suspected of being implicated in this explosion; I had previously received information that this man was likely to be at Veregin's funeral, but careful inquiries failed to locate any trace of him. There were about 5000 people at this funeral, which added to the difficulty of tracing this man from the only description available, as follows:-
Age: About 60 years.
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 145 lbs.
Face: Has a Van Dyke beard.
Occupation: Watchmaker.
Clothes worn when last seen on the evening of October 30th, 1924, when he called for mail at the Post Office, Castlegar, B.C., - Black mackinaw coat, Black fedora hat.
At present, has no fixed place of abode.
After the funeral we returned, on foot, to Castlegar, where further inquiries were made, through the medium of an informant who was acquainted with GRENOR, but no trace of him was found. On the morning of Nov. 3rd. I instructed Sergt. Birch to go to Bonnington Falls, B.C., where some 400 men are employed by the West Kootenay Power & Light Co., and make inquiries there for GRENOR, while I continued to make inquiries in and around Castlegar district, but as no trace of him was found we proceeded to Trail, B.C., and continued our investigation without success. On our return to Castlegar, the same night I learned that Asst. Supt. Burns, Of Winnipeg, Man., and Insp. McGowan, C.P.R. Investigators, and other officials. accompanied by Prov. Police had arrived on a special train from Nelson, for the purpose of locating DAN GRENOR, our suspect, however they failed to find any trace of him so they returned to Nelson; as far as I have been able to ascertain this movement made by the C.P.R. Investigators in proceeding to Castlegar to locate GRENOR was due to the fact of an interview with Ran Kemenshiloff, at present under arrest at Nelson, being held for investigation in connection with the explosion.
While making investigations about GRENOR at Castlegar I was informed that he had written a letter and registered same, addressed to President Coolidge, Washington. D.C., U.S.A., some time the latter part of April, 1924, I ascertained that this was correct, but unable to get the date of the registration as the Postmaster had destroyed the Register Book.
Coroner's Inquest held at Nelson, B.C. was commenced at 1 p.m. Nov. 3rd. before Dr. McKenzie, Coroner, and a Coroner's Jury and was continued until noon of Nov. 4th., when an adjournment was taken for the purpose of viewing the scene of the explosion at Farron, at 9.15 p.m. the Inquest was resumed, at Nelson, more evidence being taken, but not of a nature that brought forth any new facts on the explosion, an adjournment was taken at 12.15 p.m. until 11 a.m. of the 5th inst., when the Jury retired and at 12 noon brought in a verdict to the effect that W.J. Armstrong, Neil Murray, Mary Sheloff and Harry Bishop came to their deaths caused by a high explosive placed by some person or persons in Car No. 1686. C.P.Rly., on the morning of Oct.29th, 1924, either accidentally or with criminal intent, with recommendation that the C.P.R. and Provincial Police make every effort to get to the bottom of the true facts in the case.
I attach the Nelson News reports on the case covering all the evidence taken at the Inquest at Nelson.
A thorough check was made at all points in the Kootenay District on explosives sold, and to whom, but nothing of a suspicious character was found. Sergt. Birch on checking up at Bonnington Falls secured some information which will be reported on by him in a separate report.
On instructions received from Officer Commanding West Kootenay Sub-District we returned to Penticton on the morning of the 6th instant.
G.O. Reid Det. S/Sergt.Reg. No. 6556.
The Officer Commanding,
R.C.M. Police, B.C. District.
Vancouver. B.C.
Sir:- Forwarded. Report of Sergt. Birch forwarded concurrently. Yesterday. the 6th inst., S/Sgt. Reid and Sergt. Birch returned on my instructions, if you want me to continue further active participation, either in co-operation with or independent of the Provincial Authorities. will you please instruct. I feel that in this event it would be necessary to have services of a good interpreter to accompany S/ Sergt. Reid as few of the Doukhobors speak English or are desirous of doing so in the present circumstances.
R.L. Cadiz Insp.Commanding West Kootenay Sub-District.
Penticton. B.C.
The Commissioner,
R.C.M.P.. Ottawa.
Forwarded. Sgt. Birch's report of even date is attached hereto. I should have mentioned in my forwarding minute of the 6th instant that Lt. Coronel Leach, Insp. of Explosives, requested our assistance in this matter. The question of further active participation was taken up with Lt. Col. Leach this morning on his return to Vancouver, and he decided that no further action need be taken on behalf of his Department.
I have accordingly instructed the O.C. West Kootenay S/D. not to incur further expense in connection with this investigation.
Vancouver. R.S. Knight. Supt. Vancouver. B.C.13-11-24.Commanding B.C.