Post Mortem on Body of Neill Murray
Complete House Furnishers
Funeral Directors
Exhibit 2.
C.W. Tyler
Nelson, B. C., Oct. 30, 1924
Post Mortem on body of Neil Murray
Body of a man about 30 - white, well nourished. This body shows no fractures of limbs or bones of trunk. In fact only one slight bruise at left knee. He has however a cut and bruise in the right quadrant of forehead. Upon removal of top of skull bone, I find fractured skull and underlying clots, which together with shock is the cause of his death.
[signed]Frederick S. Eaton.
Subscribed and sworn
before me at the city of
Nelson, County of Kootenay,
Province of British Columbia,
this 3rd day October 1924,
M. Rose. J.P
Source: Library and Archives of Canada, Access to Information Act, HQ-750-1-1; RG:18; Vol. 3306, Frederick S. Eaton, "Post Mortem On Body of Neil Murray," October 30, 1924.