J. S. Fraser, Letter to Dr. James MacCallum, Nov. 11, 1917
Mowat P.O., Ontario
Dear Dr,
You will have to excuse me for not writing sooner but have been so busy this fall I can hardly find time to write. I bought Tom’s two canoes and his people said to pay the men out of the canoe money that searched for Tom’s body so I am sending your $17.50 back after paying out of it $3.20 for cement and freight. There is no other charges in connection with the cairn as thoes who helped were only to glad to do so. Mr. and Mrs. Crombie are here again and expect to stay all winter.
Yours Truly
J. S. Fraser
Source: Library and Archives Canada/Bibliotheque et Archives Canada, MG30 D284 'Tom Thomson collection', Vol. 1 Files 6, J. S. Fraser, Letter to Dr. James MacCallum, November 11, 1917