Dr. James MacCallum, Letter to Tom Thomson, May 28, 1917

Toronto 28/V/17

Dear Tom.

We got home all right – made a good connection at Scotia Junction having only to wait for half an hour. I have deposited to your credit a cheque for $25.00 given me by Bill Beatty for a sketch of yours which he had sold to some chap from South River. All the fellows backed down and I had to go up to the Georgian Bay alone, returning last Saturday. Had a rotten time of it – snow, rain, sleet, more snow and only two decent days the whole week. Vegetation is not nearly so far advanced as in the Park – I quite understood why you prefer to paint up there – the two places are so different. In the Georgian Bay there is in the spring practically none of the brilliant colour from the vegetation of the Park – There were really only two soft maples in bud while I was there – The birches have not even begun to change – all day the water was beautiful a fresh wind and a good sea into clear sky – I have not seen any of the chaps yet to find out what the news is. You had better send down a lot of those sketches of yours as soon as you start in guiding and see if I cannot sell some of them and increase your bank account – remember me to the Frasers and their guests. Must close and get to work.

James MacCallum

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Bibliotheque et Archives Canada, MG30 D284 'Tom Thomson collection', Vol. 1 File 2, Dr. James MacCallum, Letter to Tom Thomson, May 28, 1917

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