Alex [Y. Jackson], Letter to Yvonne, Sept. 15, 1966

[…] I know many people who thought she [Blodwen Davies] was too positive about foul play in Thomson’s death. she got all that from old Mark Robinson.

D. MacCallum said they believed it was suicide and they brought in a verdict of accidental drowning to make it easier for the family. MacCallum had received a letter from Tom written the day before . quite cheerful and looking forward to starting painting again – I think Lawren always had the feeling there was foul play, but there was no evidence. I think perhaps influenced by the feeling he was of no importance as a painter and probably up there to avoid military service.

I believe that statement was the chief reason for Clark-Irwin refusing to publish the book. It should be re-written as something that will never be cleared up. It could have been a heart attack and they did not take the trouble to find out.


Sincerely, Alex

Source: Trent University Archives, Blodwen Davies fonds, 91-001/1/16, Alex [Y. Jackson], Letter to Yvonne, September 15, 1966

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