Copy of Entry for Tom Thomson in Burial Register of Knox United Church, Owen Sound

Knox United Church
Owen Sound

Thomson, Thomas (Artist).
Accidental Drowning,
Canoe Lake, Algonquin Park
July 8th 1917

Age – 39 years – born Aug. 1877

Buried at Leith, Ont. – July 21st 1917

“Talented and with many friends, and no enemies, a mystery”

copy of entry
in church

[See also A. D. Cornett, Letter to Blodwen Davies, July 20, 1931.]

Source: Library and Archives Canada/Bibliotheque et Archives Canada, MG30 D38 'Blodwen Davies fond', Vol. 11, Copy of Entry for Tom Thomson in Burial Register of Knox United Church, Owen Sound, July 20, 1931

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