Dr. Robert Tait McKenzie — Obituary
McKENZIE, Robert Tait, M.D., is the s. of the late Rev. Wm. McKenzie (Presb.), and was b. at Almonte, Ont., 1867. Ed. at the High Sch. there and at McGill Univ. (B.A., 1889), he also graduated in med. at that institution, 1892. He was on the med. staff of the Montreal Genl. Hospital for the year following graduation. After spending a summer as surg. on the steamer Lake Superior, he took up general practice in Montreal. Celebrated as an athlete, he was apptd. instructor and med. examr. of the gymnasium at McGill Univ., 1893. He is also asst. demonstrator of anat. in the Med. Faculty of his Alma Mater. In 1895 he was apptd. household physician to their Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Aberdeen. In the same year he published a work entitled “The Barnjum Bar-bell Drill.” He has also contributed to the Pop. Science Monthly and other mags. He has been elected a V.-P. of the Am. Assn. for the Advance. of Physical Education .Unm.—59 Metcalfe St., Montreal.