Photographs, Paintings or Drawings
Title: Chartres Brew
Creator: Undetermined
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01127
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Title: Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie
Creator: Fardon
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-08953
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Title: Donald McLean
Creator: Undetermined
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01454
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Title: View in Bute Inlet
Creator: Bedwell, Edward Parker, d. 1919
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP02615
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Title: To the Diggings and from the Diggings
Creator: Unknown
Editor: W. Champness
Pages: p. 59
Notes: To the Diggings and from the diggings, an image to accompany Champness' description of his trip to the Cariboo Gold Mines in 1862 (Originally published in The Leisure Hour in 1865 and reprinted by Ye Galleon Press: Fairfield Washington, 1972)
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Title: Route over Fallen Trees
Creator: Unknown
Notes: Route Over Fallen Trees, an image to accompany Champness' description of his trip to the Cariboo Gold Mines in 1862. Originally published in "The Leisure Hour" in 1865 and reprinted by Ye Galleon Press: Fairfield, Washington, 1972.
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Title: Alfred Waddington
Creator: Undetermined
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01885
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Title: Prospecting for alluvial gold in British Columbia
Creator: Hind, William George Richardson, 1833-1889
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP02612
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Title: Government Offices, New Westminster
Creator: Claudet, Francis George, 1837-1906
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: B-03603
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Title: Early view of New Westminster
Creator: Claudet, Francis George, 1837-1906
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-03330
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Title: Victoria BC, 1864
Creator: E.M. Richardson
Archive or Repository: National Archives of Canada
Collection or Fond: Peter Winkworth Collection of Canadiana
Notes: Accession No. R9266-342
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Title: Brother Jonathan
Creator: Artist Unknown
Archive or Repository: BC Archives
Reference Number: A-01784
Notes: Steamer that brought the 1862 smallpox epidemic to Victoria.
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Title: Certain to Find Indians
Creator: Alexis and Ualas
Archive or Repository: Public Record Office, Great Britain
Reference Number: MPG6541
Notes: Detail from the Alexis Map showing a place certain to find Tsilhqot'in in the spring. From map originally drawn by Indians Alexis and Ualas as interpreted by Mr. Ogilvie, signed W. Cox, Benshee Lake, 22nd July, 1864
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Title: Gundeck of HMS Sutlej
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: National Archives of Canada
Reference Number: C033449
Notes: Gundeck of HMS Sutlej which assisted Governor Seymour during the Chilcotin War.
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Title: Alexis Map
Creator: Alexis and Ualas
Archive or Repository: Public Record Office, Great Britain
Reference Number: MPG6541
Notes: Whole Alexis Map. Map originally drawn by Indians Alexis and Ualas as interpreted by Mr. Ogilvie, signed W. Cox, Benshee Lake, 22nd July, 1864
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Title: Proclamation of Reward
Creator: Arthur N. Birch
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Title: Frederick Seymour
Creator: Dally, Frederick, 1838-1914
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01750
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Title: Arthur Edward Kennedy
Creator: Undetermined
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01402
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Title: Arthur Nonus Birch
Creator: Gentile, Charles, 1835-1893
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: F-04794
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Title: Alfred Waddington
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP00121
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Title: Chilko Lake looking west from Nemiah Point
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: G-02433
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Title: Bute Inlet
Creator: Whymper, Frederick, ca. 1837-1901
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP00105
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Title: Mouth of Homathko River, Bute Inlet
Creator: Whymper, Frederick, ca. 1837-1901
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP00109
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Title: Bank of British Columbia, Quesnel
Creator: Gentile, Charles, 1835-1893
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: G-00693
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Title: Quesnel
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-00559
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Title: Fort Alexandria on the Fraser River
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: F-05775
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Title: Remaining building from Fort Alexandria
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: F-00485
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Title: Williams Creek, Shaft entrance of Neversweat Tunnel Co.
Creator: Dally, Frederick, 1838-1914
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-00937
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Title: Pack train leaving Bella Coola
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: D-03094
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Title: Crossing River on Felled Tree
Creator: Unknown
Notes: Unspecified scene of miners crossing river enroute to gold fields. Originally published in the Leisure Hour in 1865 and reprinted by Ye Galleon Press: Fairfield Washington, 1972
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Title: New Westminster, capital of British Columbia
Creator: Pope, Franklin Leonard, 1840-1895
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP02054
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Title: Company of the HMS Sutlej (ship)
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-00270
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Title: Indians encamped on the banks of the Fraser River ...
Creator: Dally, Frederick, 1838-1914
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: C-09286
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Title: Cariboo gold nugget
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-05577
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Title: Arthur Nonus Birch
Creator: Bradley and Rulofson, San Francisco
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01995
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Title: Tiedemanns Glacier
Creator: Frederick Whymper
Notes: "This magnificent mer de glace, which averages one to two miles in width by more than eight in length, occupies the greater part of a transverse valley some six miles above the defile ... The whole mass is in motion, for not a second passes without something falling, from the size of a grain of sand to that of a piece of rock." Frederick Whymper
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Title: British Snider-Enfield MKI1861
Creator: Unknown
Notes: British Snider-Enfield Rifle of the type used by the Royal Engineers and issued to militia party under Cox in the Chilcotin War
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Title: Detail of British Snider-Enfield MKI1861
Creator: Unknown
Notes: British Snider-Enfield Rifle of the type used in the Chilcotin War
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Title: British Bayonet
Creator: Unknown
Notes: Bayonet of the type used by the British Miitary in the 1860s
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Title: Homathco Below the Defile
Creator: Frederick Whymper
Notes: This view sketched by Frederick Whymper only a few days before the attack shows the Homathco Valley below the canyon. It was engraved and published in 1868 with a caption "The road which is not seen, winds its way through the woods at [the artist's] feet. The mountains, at a distance, are probably 8,000 feet high, and present an almost unbroken sheet of perpetual snow and ice."
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Title: Waddington Road, north end of Waddington Canyon, Homathko River
Creator: Charles Horetzky
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-04140
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Title: Chilcotin valley near Alexis Creek
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01581
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Title: Ferry on the Homathco
Creator: Frederick Whymper ?
Editor: George Grant
Pages: plate 55
Notes: The ferry built by Waddington's road crew to ferry men and supplies across the Homathco was probably sketched just days before the ferryman Tim Smith was killed
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Title: HBC Flintlock Detail
Creator: Unknown
Notes: Detail of the HBC standard trade musket in use in the Chilcotin in the 1860 and 1870s showing the trademark snake. This one was manufactured in 1878
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Title: HBC Flintlock
Creator: Unknown
Notes: HBC standard trade musket similar to that in use in the Chilcotin in the 1860s, though this one was made in 1878.
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Title: Escape of Klatsassin
Creator: Unknown
Notes: An artist's recreation of Klatsassin's escape from the Militia to accompany Brown's book, "Klatsassan and Other Reminiscences of Missionary Life in British Columbia".
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Title: Marriage of Klatsassin
Creator: Unknown
Notes: Totally fictitious image of Klatsassin's marriage, probably copied from another publication to accompany Brown's book, "Klatsassan and Other Reminiscences of Missionary Life in British Columbia".
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Title: Klatsassin
Creator: Unknown
Editor: R.C. Lundin Brown
Notes: The only image that exists of Klatsassin and given the other fictitious images in the Brown book where this appears, it is impossible to be sure of its authenticity
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Title: Bella Coola; Dr. Powell (centre) and Hamilton Moffatt (third from right)
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-03980
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Title: Henry P.P. Crease with family
Creator: Undetermined
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: I-51614
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Title: Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie, Chief Justice
Creator: Undetermined
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01099
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Title: Frederick Whymper
Creator: Bradley and Rulofson, San Francisco
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-02535
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Title: Homathko River
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: F-02185
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Title: Matthew Baillie Begbie
Creator: Artist Unknown
Archive or Repository: NAC
Collection or Fond: (R9266-434) Peter Winkworth Collection of Canadiana
Reference Number: 996072
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Title: Homathko River
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-04126
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Title: Homathko River
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-04139
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Title: Henry P.P. Crease in his judicial wig and robes
Creator: S.A. Spencer
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: B-01397
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Title: Bluff above Murderers Bar, Homathko River
Creator: Tiedemann, Herman Otto, 1821-1891
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP02232
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Title: Going to the Mines
Creator: Unknown
Notes: A pack train headed for the gold mines of British Columbia
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Title: Bartering For Christmas Dinner
Creator: Unknown
Notes: Copy obtained from the BC Archives PDP00373.
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Title: Summer's Camp
Creator: Frederick Whymper
Archive or Repository: BC Archives
Reference Number: PDP01715
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Title: Klatsassin's War Party Attacks Alexander Mcdonald's Pack Train Near Anahim Lake
Creator: Brian Seymour
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Title: Klatsassin's War Party Detail
Creator: Brian Seymour
Notes: Detail of Painting by Brian Seymour
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Title: Canyon on the Homathco
Creator: Lucius O'Brien and R. Schelling
Notes: This view of the Homathco Canyon was drawn by the famous Canadian artist Lucius O'Brien after the Chilcotin War and engraved by R. Schelling
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Title: Fort Alexander, Fraser River
Creator: [Crease, Lindley]
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP07186
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Title: Packer Figure from Chilcotin Basket
Creator: Unknown Artist
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Title: Chilcotin Stick Figure from Tree Carving near Anahim Lake
Creator: Unknown Artist
Editor: James Teit
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Title: Chilcotin Face Carved on Tree Near Anahim Lake
Creator: Unknown Artist
Editor: James Teit
Pages: 789
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Title: Pocketwatch
Creator: unknown
Archive or Repository: unknown
Collection or Fond: unknown
Reference Number: unknown
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Title: The Bella Coola Trail, Cheslatta
Creator: Swannell, Frank Cyril, 1880-1969
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: G-06637
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Title: Chilcotin River, Cliffs About Five Miles Above Alexis Creek
Creator: C. Newcombe
Archive or Repository: RBCM
Reference Number: PN 3540
Notes: Image Courtesy of Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Man in Horse-Drawn Buckboard, Farwell Canyon, Chilcotin River
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: RBCM
Reference Number: PN15230
Notes: Image Courtesy of Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Tsilhqot'in Coiled Basket, Hand Maul and Unidentified Tool
Creator: Carey and McAllister, Victoria
Archive or Repository: RBCM
Reference Number: PN 7384-B
Notes: Image Courtesy of Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Pipe Said to be Made by the Tsilhqot'in
Creator: RBCM
Archive or Repository: RBCM
Reference Number: PN 3565
Notes: Stem of birch bark, bowl and mouthpiece of woven spruce roots. Image Courtesy of Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Bute Inlet Song
Creator: Homathco
Notes: "I wish I was in Butte [Bute] Inlet", a song sang by homesick Homathco People. This recorded by Francis Densmore in 1921 in Chilliwack.
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Title: Bella Coola Mountains
Creator: Swannell, Frank Cyril, 1880-1969
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: I-33905
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Title: Choelquoit Lake from Skinner Mountains
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: G-07893
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Title: Chilko Lake looking south from Nemiah Point
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: G-07892
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Title: Waddington Canyon, Homathko River
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-04113
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Title: Quesnel, gaol and courthouse
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-04033
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Title: Government House, New Westminster
Creator: Dally, Frederick, 1838-1914
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-02799
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Title: Inner Harbour, Victoria Legislature
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-02776
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Title: Traces of Waddington Survey of 1863
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-01579
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Title: Middle summit of Mount Waddington
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: I-51584
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Title: New Westminster waterfront with Government House on the left
Creator: Claudet, Francis George, 1837-1906
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-03328
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Title: Government Buildings, New Westminster
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: E-04073
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Title: Pictographs at Towdystan, South of Nimpo Lake
Creator: Don Mitchell
Archive or Repository: RBCM
Reference Number: PN 13554-6
Notes: Image Courtesy of Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Smallpox Figure 1837
Creator: Unknown
Notes: A Blackfoot representation of smallpox on a bison-robe "Winter Count Calender" representing an attack of smallpox in 1837.
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Title: Smallpox Figure 1864
Creator: Unknown
Editor: Hugh Dempsey
Notes: A Blackfoot representation of smallpox on a bison-robe "Winter Count Calender" representing an attack of smallpox in 1864
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Title: Chilcotin War sign near Nimpo Lake
Creator: Government of British Columbia
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: I-05370
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Title: H.M. Gunboat Forward
Creator: Gray, T.
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: PDP01136
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Title: HMS Sutlej in Esquimalt
Creator: Unknown
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: A-00269
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Title: Dietz and Nelson Express Office, New Westminster
Creator: Claudet, Francis George, 1837-1906
Archive or Repository: BCA
Reference Number: E-07739
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Title: Crease Letter
Creator: Unknown
Notes: Letter sent to H.P.P. Crease and Attorney General and Judge in the Trial of Ahan and Lutas with Vancouver Island stamps
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Title: Farwell Canyon, Chilcotin River
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Chilcotin River
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Chilcotin River near Farwell Canyon
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Fish trap from Chilcotin War and earthworks
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Site of Fort Chilcotin
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Chilcotin Plateau
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Puntzi Lake looking to Manning Farm
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Chilcotin Fraser Junction Arial
Creator: John Lutz
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Title: Chilcotin River Arial
Creator: John Lutz
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Title: Deed to Waddington Townsite
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Land Title Office, Victoria
Notes: Conveyances, Volume 1
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Title: Old Books
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Land Title Office, Victoria
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Title: Begbie Wig
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Notes: On loan from the Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Crease Wig
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Notes: On loan from the Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Begbie Box
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Notes: On loan from the Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Begbie Hat
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Maritime Museum of British Columbia
Notes: On loan from the Royal British Columbia Museum.
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Title: Begbie's Chair
Creator: Government House
Notes: Government House, Victoria, British Columbia. On loan from the Royal British Columbia Museum
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Title: Site of Fort Alexandria today
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: The modern Fort Alexandria village on hillside in distance.
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Title: Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada Plaque near Fort Alexandria Site
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada Plaque near Fort Alexandria Site (French)
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Fraser River looking north to site of Fort Alexandria
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Plaque marking Tsilhqot'in Chiefs Burial Place
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
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Title: Tsilhqot'in Chiefs Burial Place Plaque
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Text of plaque marking Tsilhqotin Chiefs Burial Place
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Title: Tsilhqot'in Chiefs Burial Place
Creator: John Lutz
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Believed to be the Tsilhqot'in Chiefs Burial Place in Quesnel along the Fraser River.
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Title: Bull Canyon
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Mysteries Project
Notes: Bull Canyon where , according to oral history, the Tsilhqotin lured Bella Coola invaders and ambushed them.
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Title: Tsilhqotin Prayer
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Tsilhqotin Prayer to mark the opening of the Lhatassain (Klatsassin) Memorial Day, October 26, 2003 at Fish Trap
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Title: Tsilhqotin War Song
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Tsilhqotin War Song sung at Lhatassain (Klatsassin) Memorial Day, October 26, 2003 at Fish Trap
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Title: Tsilhqotin Sign at Fish Trap
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Sign mounted at Fish Trap during Lhatassain (Klatsassin) Memorial Day, October 26, 2003 to mark the events of the Chilcoting War that occurred near the site
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Title: Pithouses near Fraser
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Depressions left by Aboriginal semi-subterranean "Pit-Houses" along the Fraser River near Sheep Creek
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Title: Smudging at Fish Trap War Site
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Hereditary Chief Charleyboy doing a cleansing ritual at the Fish Trap defensive site of the McDonald pack train.
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Title: Towdystan Graves
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Tsilhqotin Graves at the old village site of Towdystan near Fish Trap
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Title: Klatsassin Memorial
Creator: Liam Haggerty
Archive or Repository: Copyright Great Unsolved Canadian Mysteries Project
Notes: Klatsassin Memorial at the Ulgatcho Community Hall, Anahim Lake, B.C., October 26, 2003
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