We do not know his name: Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War

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Coast Route Meeting
The British Colonist, June 5, 1861

June 5, 1861

A meeting of citizens was held last evening at the room of the Industrial Exhibition Committee to take into consideration a project for the formation of a party to explore the coast route from the head of Bute Inlet to the Cariboo diggings. J. Despard Pemberton, Esq., was called to the chair, and Alfred Waddington, Esq. M. P. P., made a few remarks setting forth the vast benefits which would accrue to Victoria, and explained the line of country proposed to be explored. He also assured the meeting that His Excellency would aid the expedition. Remarks were made by others present, and the following named gentlemen were appointed a committee to report upon the desirability of the scheme at an adjourned meeting, to be held on Monday evening next: Messrs. J. D. Pemberton, J. W. McKay, A. De Cosmos, P. M. Backus, J. W. Trutch, A. C. Anderson, Alfred Waddington, and R. Burnaby.

Source: "Coast Route Meeting," The British Colonist, June 5, 1861.

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