The Chilicoaten Murderers
The North Pacific Times, December 10, 1864.
December 10, 1864
By the arrival of Messrs Moberly and Orr, the news which we published in our last issue relative to the suspicious movements and threats of Indians near William's Lake, is confirmed. In addition we learn that the chief of one of the Alkali Lake tribes is endeavouring to create disaffection amongst his people, and alleges that he had been promised a reward by Commissioner O’Reilly, for assisting to capture the murderers of the three Italians who lost their lives at Alkali Lake in the spring, and that on application he was refused the money.
The son of Tellot, the Chilicoaten murderer, and one of the principal instigators of the Bute Inlet massacre himself, arrived lately at Fort Alexandria, and there for the first time heard of the execution of his father. The H. B. Company’s officers at the Fort did not know him, and thus allowed him and several of his companions to purchase guns and ammunition. They soon afterwards, though too late, learned the character of their customers, and it was then that Tellot’s son told them that he had made up his mind to have revenge on the white men. It did not signify, he said, what became of him or his companions. They were sure to be killed in the end, but they would do all the mischief they could before they were taken. He knew that the settlers at William's Lake lived far apart, and it would not be difficult to cut them off in detail, before they could give each other warning. The settlers themselves are prepared to defend their own lives and property, and say that all they want from the Government is, arms and ammunition and some one to lead them. There are plenty of men there to fight the Indians, but their chief difficulty lies in their detached positions.
Source: "The Chilcoaten Murderers," The North Pacific Times, December 10, 1864.
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