We do not know his name: Klatsassin and the Chilcotin War

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Cox to the Governor of British Columbia

Camp Chezco
15 August 1864

To His Excellency the Governor of British Columbia


I have the honor to inform you of the surrender this morning at half past 8 oClk. of eight of the indian murderers amongst whom are the following chiefs & principals Klatsassin, Telloot, and Tappitt. Your Excellency not having been pleased to entrust me with a commission to try any of the murderers, I am compelled to await your instruction for the disposal of the above men. I have written to Mr. Begbie on the subject but as I do not know where that gentleman is & to search for Mr. Brew through this country with a small party when ten more murderers are still at large, being out of the question, I may probably have to remain here for some time and I need scarcely remind Your Excellency of the difficulty that exists & will exist in retaining the safe custody of my prisoners. I therefore entreat of you to forward your views to me as soon as possible on the above matter. I forward herewith a statement made by Klatsassin. Mr. Oglevy who is the bearer of this will more fully explain than I can here, the plans we pursued for the arrest of Klatsassin & others and it is only fair to that officer to state that to his zeal-patrium in conversing with & excellent knowledge of the indians our present success is mainly attributable. Mr. Stuart will remain with me until the fates of the prisoners are known and he is a great requisition to our camp. I have the pleasure to bring before Your Excellency's notice the forbearance & strict obedience to my orders & wishes & orderly conduct by the men under my command without which [[begin crossed-out text]] my [[end-crossed-out text]] our plans & arrangement would have resulted with nothing but failure.

We have now recovered 8 animals [two words illegible]-- 6 horses & 2 mules.

I have the honor
to be
Sir Your Excellency's
Most Obedient Servant

Wm. Geo. Cox

Re. commend of Bute Inlet Expedition
From Alexandria

Source: BCA, Colonial Correspondence, GR-1372, F379/23, Mflm B-1321, William George Cox, Letter to the Governor of British Columbia, August 15, 1864.

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