Elwyn to The Colonial Secretary of Vancouver IslandBritish Columbia The Colonial Secretary Sir, I have the honour to report that I have received a communication from Williams Creek of the 10th [[abb.]]inst.[[/]]. Up to that date snow had fallen on the creek to the depth of only four inches, & four companies, The Black Jack Tunnel, The Canadian, The Barker & The Diller & Currie, were sluicing their claims [yielding?] well, particularly those of the Black Jack Tunnel Company. The small-pox has been raging amongst the Indians throughout the District (with the exception of Williams Lake). At Beaver Lake nearly fifty have fallen victims & one Indian now represents the tribe. In a few instances white men have been attacked, but only in two cases fatally. The only medical man in the District is most unfortunately living on Williams Creek, & the sufferers can obtain no reliable advice. I have the honour to be Source: BCA, Colonial Correspondence, GR-1372, F525, Mflm B-1327, Thomas Elwyn, Letter to the Colonial Secretary of Vancouver Island, December 17, 1862.
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