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PRESENT The Honourable Justice Desy. THE KING. v Télesphore Gagnon, accused of murder. EVIDENCE ON BEHALF OF THE Accused. Adelard Bernard of Fortierville, manufacturer, aged 44 years, being duly sworn upon the Holy Gospels, doth depose as follows: EXAMINED BY Maître Francoeur on behalf of the accused. Q. What is your occupation, Monsieur Bernard? A. I am the President of a transmission manufacturing company, Monsieur Francoeur. A. Yes, Monsieur. Q. Do you know the accused here, Télesphore Gagnon? A. Yes, Monsieur. Q. Would you please tell the Court and the Jurors what his general reputation was in Fortierville? A. Up until the moment we learned of the crime, Télesphore Gagnon's general reputation was very good. Q. How long have you been living in Fortierville? A. For ten years. Q. You know many people in Fortierville? A. Just about everyone in the Parish and in the Village. CROSS-EXAMINED BY Maître Lachance on behalf of the Crown. Q. Did you know how the accused, Gagnon, treated his children when he disciplined them? A. No, Monsieur. Objection by Maître Lavergne, on behalf of the accused, to this question and to this answer because evidence of general reputation cannot be contradicted by specific - 2 - questions and specific facts, or otherwise than by general evidence of bad reputation. By the Court. — The witness had practically answered your question in the question asked by Monsieur Francoeur earlier. And the witness saith no more. Source: ANQ, TP 999, 1960-01-3623, 1B 014 01-04-004B-01, Cour du banc du roi, assises criminelles, district de Québec, Déposition de Adélard Bernard, procès de Télesphore Gagnon pour meurtre, April 27, 1920, 2.
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