A Statement of the Satisfactory Results Which Have Attended Emigration to Upper Canada From the Establishment of The Canada Company, Until the Present Period
Mr. Dunlop’s Report as to the Huron Tract, and Upper Canada generally as compared with the United States, Australia,
[...] It is now universally admitted, and, therefore, we may assume it as an indisputable fact, that Great Britain and Ireland is at present overpeopled, that is to say, that there is a more extensive population than can be profitably employed, or find a comfortable subsistence within the realm. The question then arises, what is to be done with the surplus population? and, the ready answer is, let them go abroad to where labour is dearer and subsistence is cheaper. The question next arises, where are they to go? Our numerous colonies furnish an answer to the query [...]
Source: Canada Company, A Statement of the Satisfactory Results Which Have Attended Emigration to Upper Canada From the Establishment of The Canada Company, Until the Present Period (Cornhill: Smith, Elder and Co., 1842). Notes: Source: D.B. Weldon Library, University of Western Ontario (CIHM/ICMH Microfiche Series no. 21828).