Note on The Feeheley "Confession"
The Donnelly murder affair has been galvanized into life through the efforts of an enterprising scribe of the London Free Press. About a week ago, a "cock-and bull" yarn, of some columns in length, in effect that the two Feehley's had made a confession, corroborating the evidence of Johnnie Connors, was published. The sensational article revived interest in the murder, and caused discussion amongst the wiseacres and "foolish-acres" too, for twenty-four hours, but the subsquent silence of the journals, respecting the alleged confession, testify to the mere sensationalism of the Free Press report. Yarns of the description alluded to, may be in order on the 1st of April, but our London confrere was a month and a half late, and exhibited bad taste in publishing the swash.