small flourish

Addition of information by Jeanne Nafrechoux, 19th witness, audience de 9 AM, 6 May 1734.


19th Appeared Dame Jeanne Nafrechoux, aged forty years, Spouse of Sieur De Beirey officer of the navy Detachment garrisoned in This city. [...]


Deposed [...] that the day After the Fire of the Tenth of the preceding month, Her panis Told Her That having noticed the Fire on the roof of the house of lady francheville, She said to the said Sieur de Berey Screaming “It’s the Negress who Set the fire, As She just told me that Her Mistress, who Was with dame Duvivier [Anne Dejordy, spouse of Louis-Hector Lefournier Duvivier] was laughing Heartily, that she would not Laugh for long, that she would not Sleep In her house”; And the said panis recounted, to She who is deposing, beyond the Just Stated, that She had seen the Said Negress ask to Enter into the home of lady francheville, the said de Couagne And other young girls who were playing at the door; And the said Negress


Looked from time to time Towards the Roof of the said house of lady de francheville, And this as she crossed the Street and Against The Wall of the hospital on the other side of the said Street. [...]

[signed]jeanne Nafrechoux De berey
[signed]P. Raimbault


Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse — Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Addition of information by Jeanne Nafrechoux, May 6, 1734, 10-12.

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