small flourish

Re-examination of Jean-Joseph Boudard dit Laflamandière, 15 May 1734.


And at this very Instant Appeared Jean Joseph Boudard Dit Laflamandière, eleventh witness heard at the Information And addition, who after taking the oath, was Read his Deposition from the addition of Information on the fifteenth of April Last, And upon Hearing it he Stated it to Be truthful, that he left the said Negress in The Chamber of the Bonhomme Bouchard where The Sisters Were, When As ordered by them, He brought her there with the men named lajeunesse And Lombard, The Night of the Fire As He stated in His Deposition, Which he wishes not to Diminish nor augment And maintains this. A Reading done to him of the present Re-examination


he persisted on it And Signed and requested No Salary.

[signed] Boudard
[signed] P. Raimbault

[signed] C. Porlier

Source: Archives nationales du Québec, Centre de Montréal, Procedure Criminel contre Marie Joseph Angélique negresse — Incendiere, 1734, TL4 S1, 4136, Juridiction royale de Montréal, Re-examination of Jean-Joseph Boudard dit Laflamandière, May 15, 1734, 16-17.

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