Buildings Constructed by the Vinland Voyagers in “The Saga of the Greenlanders”

Chapter 2

- 639 -

[...] They carried their sleeping-sacks ashore and built booths [búðir]. Later they decided to spend the winter there and built large houses [skálar]. [...]

Chapter 4

- 642 -

[…] Thorvald and all his companions went ashore.

He then spoke: ‘This is an attractive spot, and here I would like to build my farm [bær]’.

Chapter 7

- 648-649 -


Freydis Eiriksdottir […] went to her brother Leif and asked him to give her the houses [hús] he had built in Vinland. He replied as he had before, that he would lend the houses but not give them to anyone. […] The brothers […] removed their things and built themselves a longhouse [skáli] farther from the sea, on the bank of a lake […]

Source: Keneva Kunz, trans., "[Buildings Constructed by the Vinland Voyagers in] The Saga of the Greenlanders" in The Sagas of Icelanders: A Selection, preface by Jane Smiley, introduction by Robert Kellogg, (New York, London, Victoria (Australia), Toronto, Auckland: The Penguin Group, 2000), 636-652. Notes: Translations first published in "The Complete Sagas of Icelanders," volumes I-V (forty-nine tales), Leifur Eiriksson Publishing, Ltd., Iceland, 1997

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