Excerpts from field notes by Birgitta Wallace on 18-19 September 1964 during investigation of the alleged house and palisade sites near Follins Pond sites, situated on the property of Dr. George B. Wilbur
18 September 1964
Called Dr. Wilbur and made arrangements to come to the site on his property at 09:00 the following day.
19 September 1964
Dr. Wilbur took us to the site. It was discovered some years ago by Carl Strandberg...His attention had been drawn to the Bass River region by Pohl’s discoveries at Follins Pond.
Dr. Wilbur did not think the site on his property was Norse. He did not think much of Mr. Pohl. Said Pohl’s “mooring holes” were drill holes from the time they built the railroad bridge and needed lots of stone.
The ground closest to the house [the Wilbur house] is sandy. The sand is bound by fir trees which Dr.Wilbur planted around 30 years ago.
On the way to the site Dr. Wilbur pointed out a former road, which forms part of the “enclosure” Strandberg thought visible in the air photo[....]
The area around the site had heavy tree cover with thick ground vegetation. It is secondary growth. The land was farm land when Dr. Wilbur bought it. W. has acquired this land piece by piece. He began in 1918....He is letting the vegetation grow freely.
1. House foundation
Barely visible. It can be seen as an oblong hollow, c. 6 m wide, which lies parallel to the river. It is filled with bushes & dead branches. In its S end is a concentration of bushes which obscure the impression of its length. Dr. Wilbur pointed out that formerly this area was used for cranberry bogs.
Dr. Wilbur said that the rectangles visible from the air were either old timber roads or fence lines. He pointed out that the area had been inhabited and farmed since the 17th century.