T. J. Harkness, Letter to R. H. Flavelle, July 23, 1917
Dear Sir, –
I have been handed your account for attending to the body of Tom Thomson and for casket and etc. as I have been appointed to look after the affairs of the estate of the deceased […] I may say that I think your account is exhorbitant and I will and I will not pay it in full, but will deduct $1500 off price of casket and $1000 off embalming fees, and if you are not satisfied, I will pay amount of account less $2500 into court and you may proceed to collect the balance.
I am doing this after sub. your account to competent undertakers and am allowing just double for embalming that is charged in this part and I might say that the man we got to furnish metallic lined casket to bring the body home only charged $7500 for his work and the casket and we paid his fare to Canoe Lake. The casket you furnished is still at [portion of original document missing] Lake and it may still be of some use to you. I will [portion of original document missing] as soon as the necessary legal steps have been taken.
Yours truly,
T. J. Harkness