Stuart Lake Journal, 1831-32
May 14
...Our Deficiency of men renders it out of our power to keep up the Chilcotin Establishment but Mr. Fisher [at Alexandria] intends sending occasionally during the Summer by which means he will secure their hunts, give them some encouragement to work in the Expectations of having again the Post established of which they appear to be very desirous...
August 14
Arrived at Sunsett at Alexandria, where find Mr. Fisher and all his people safe and well...three derouines were made to the Chilcotins, and produced about 3 Packs...
October 9
...In a letter dated 24th [September] after the Departure of the Canoe Mr. Fisher [at Alexandria] mentions having sent La Pierre his Interpreter with a man to the Chilcotins from whence they returned the 9th Ulto. having met a very rough reception, that tribe behaved with much insolence and used some Menaces towards them, which prevented them from going so far as was intended...
October 29 Letters received from Messrs. Black & Fisher I learn with much satisfaction that there is every likelihood of a sufficient supply [of salmon] being got from Kamloops for Alexandria & Chilcotin Posts...Belleque with La Pierre were sent on the 1st inst. to establish the Chilcotin Post...
February 23
...received...letters from Mr. Fisher...On the 9th [December] Mr. Annance was sent to the Chilcotin Post. His last letter from that Place of the 27 of same month gives some hopes of the natives exerting themselves with a view to have the Establishment Kept up during the season most of their Beaver he says had been converted into Winter Clothing previous to his arrival & they are at present unwilling to part with them. He mentions that the Reports of the Country as to being rich in furr bearing animals are favourable but under our present Circumstances we can but ill afford the means of Keeping up the Place, having but 2 men above our compliment of last fall...
Source: BCA, Manuscript, Fort Chilcotin MM/C43, P. W. Dease, Stuart Lake Journal, May 14, 1831 — February 23, 1832, 11-12.
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