Petition of George Gallagher
Praying impression of Court
In payment of [charge] upon
Overseers of the poor
Mr. Arkin takes on his petition
Pres. 26. Jany 64
To Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Queens in Session Convened.
The Petition of George Gallagher of the parish of Chipman and County of Queen’s.
Humbly Showeth,
That your petitioner has kept a parish charge by order of the poor masters of the aforesaid parish, who sold said parish charge at public sale, and for which your petitioner was to receive from the aforesaid poormasters the sum of $2.55 per week. That your petitioner has kept said parish charge for a term of 50 weeks and 5 days which would amt. to the full sum of $129.30, and that he, your petitioner, has received in part payment the sun of $40.00, leaving still due a Balance of $89.30.
And furthermore that Your petitioner demanded payment Several times and invariably met with a refusal from the aforesaid poormasters, alleging that there was no funds on hand.
Therefore, Your petitioner earnestly requests that Your Honours will take his case into immediate consideration and cause instant payment, your petitioner deeming your session the only tribunal by which his grievance can be immediately addressed and your petitioner as in Duty bound will ever pray.
George Gallagher
Chipman Queen’s County
January 8th 1864