Tourists From Far Away

[ Carte de visite, trouvée dans le mur de la

Visiting card, found in the wall of “Jerome’s room” (back view), Felice Crespi,


Female Informant
Age: 85
Born in Sweden in 1887, immigrated at the age of 5
Elementary school teacher
Conducted in Concession on June 12, 1972
Interview: Ella LeBlanc
Transcription: Lise A. Robichaud and Marie-Colombe Robichaud

Original Acadian French

E.L.: Vous avez ‘té l’voir ?

Informatrice: J’ai ‘t’e l’voir avec une Américaine qu’était ici, Mrs Wheeler. Alle écrivait beaucoup, d’la poésie, et des histoires pour les enfants, pour les magazines aux États. Et pis, alle avait composé ain poème sur Jérôme et j’furent le ‘oir.


E.L.: You went to see him?

Informant: I went to see him with an American woman who was here, Mrs. Wheeler. She wrote a lot, poetry, stories for children, for magazines in the States. And she’d composed a poem about Jerome and we went to see him.

Source: Centre Acadien, Université Sainte-Anne, Archives orales, 241.2, Informatrice de 85 ans, "Tourists From Far Away ," Ella LeBlanc, June 12, 1972.

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