League for the Protection of the Feeble-Minded
Whereas, feeble-mindedness is now well recognized to be a common affliction, prejudicing the interests of every family in which a case develops, menacing the morality of communities in which unprotected feeble-minded children live, and tending to cause a gradual deterioration of the race and a corresponding increase in the unfit and dependant classes;
And whereas, it is generally condeded that the interests of the feeble-minded should be segregated, and trained and cared for in specially equiped institutions;
And whereas, no proper attempt is being made to segregate and protect those who are so afflicted in our province;
Therefore resolved, that the attention of the Government and Legislature of Nova Scotia be directed to the present deplorable state of feeble-minded persons in this province, with the recommendation that active steps be at once taken to ameliorate their conditions. Further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to each member of the Provincial Government.
[28 signatures]