Petition Against sale of parts of Clare Commons 24 March 1860
Clare, March 15th 1860
To the Honourable Member of the House of Assembly in Halifax Convened,
Your Petitioners beg to call his attention of your Honourable House that the present Trusties of the Commons of Clare are circulating a petition for the Sale of the Commons and to the great disadvantage of your petitioners.
Firstly, it would turn the poor out of doors that are now settled upon it and making them public charge.
Secondly, there are few individuals that want to purchase consequently must be sacrificed.
Thirdly, we wish it to remain for a County benefit to build a Poor House whereon if required or any other public works that should be approved of by the public, and we hope that your Honourable House will take our cause with considerations and in duty bound will ever for cry.
[538 signatures]