1861, New Brunswick, Queen's County Census, Parish of Chipman
Name of Individual | Sex | Relationship to Head of Family | Age | Race and where born | Rank or Occupation | Religious Profession |
Philip Galligher | M | 32 | NB | Farmer | R. Catholic | |
William Do | M | Brother | 32 | Do | Do | Do |
George Do | M | Do | 28 | Do | Do | Do |
Mary Jane Do | F | Sister | 21 | Do | Do | |
Elisabeth Do | F | Do | 17 | Do | Do | |
Jane Do | F | Mother | 68 | Do | Do | |
Maryann Murray | F | Servant | 16 | Do | Servant | Do |
Lemo Bellemy | M | Lodger | 23 | F [Foreigner?] | Cripple | Do |
Source: Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management, , Microfilm F1599, Unknown, "1861, New Brunswick, Queen\'s County Census, Parish of Chipman," 1861, Household 102, p. 16.