Aurore!  The Mystery of the Martyred Child

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Kingston Penitentiary

Ackn’d. November 7th, 1929

Date: October 30, 1929

[stamp of the KINGSTON PENITENTIARY-CENSOR No. 1 - NOV. 5, 1929]


Honourable Minister of Justice

Dear Sir,

I come to appeel to your kindness in order to request a pardon

At present, I have served

nine years and one month since my sentence was changed but I wil have been locked up ten years next February I promise you that I will appreciate the pardon I wil receive even if it be for the rest of my life. If I am released soon, there are two or three diffrent places here in Kingston where I can go I can do any kind of work and I wil do it willingly because I want to make monney for the future. Since I have been here no reports have been made against me and I have always done everything that it has been my duty to do

Dear Sir with the good reccomendation of Mademoiselle Robinson, and also of our Warden, and considering my good behaviour during such long yeers, may I be pardoned. And with a great thank you once again, I will appreciate it.

I am

Your humble

M.-A. Houde

Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, Marie-Anne Houde, Lettre de Marie-Anne Houde au Ministre de la Justice, October 30, 1929, 1.

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Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History