Aurore!  The Mystery of the Martyred Child

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Kingston Penitentiary

Ackn’d. September 5th, 1928

[stamp of the KINGSTON PENITENTIARY-CENSOR No. 1 - SEPT. 4, 1928]


Honourable Minister of Justice

Dear Sir,

With the last hope, I confidently come to you all, once again, to request a pardon or at least a reduced sentence.

After the eight long year that will soon have passed with sorrow and great regret, and with the resolve to folow the rules that I will be asked to folow, I hope you will give me a chance to go see my children who are so dear to me and who are reddy to do everything to support me and, in addition, I can have work here in Kingston. I have no thougt of returning to the District of Quebec, unless it is to see my aging father who has been wishing to see me for a very long time.

The eldest of my sons is twenty years old and the other is sixteen years old both are very sad and ask for my relief every day.

I believe I have done my duty here in this instituton during these eight years no reports have been made against my behaviour.

With much hope, I ask you once again, please, for my freedom.

Your humble servant,
Marie-Anne Houde

Asks for rel. on reduce. of sent. ssu

Source: ANC, , RG 13, Box 1507, File Houde Marie-Anne, vol. 1, part. 1, Marie-Anne Houde, Lettre de Marie-Anne Houde au Ministre de la Justice, September 5, 1928, 1.

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Great Unsolved Mysteries in Canadian History