Petition Requesting the Appointment of James Carroll as Constable
To William Elliot Esquire Judge of the County of Middlesex
The humble prayer and petition of the undersigned inhabitants of the Township of Biddulph sheweth as follows:
Whereas for sometime past certain evil minded persons in the Township of Biddulph have been violating the laws and acting in such a manner as to endanger the persons and property of the peaceable portion of the inhabitants thereof. And Whereas from there being but a few constables in said Township it is difficult and often impossible to have warrants or other process of the local Justices of the Peace executed and in Consequence thereof compelling injured persons to either reframe from taking legal proceedings in the adress of wrongs or go to the expense of laying complaints before Justices of the Peace in the city of London. And Whereas your petitioners are of opinion that much of the above cited inconvenience would be obviated by the appointment of James Carroll of said Township as a constable therein.
That the said James Carroll be appointed as a Conatable in and for the County [...].
[List of 56 signatures follows. No Donnellys appear amongst the signatures.]