Charles Hutchinson Letter Book 1875-8
p 179

London, Ont
Dec 29 1875

L Lawrason Esq, JP
Dear Sir,
Roady Kennedy says you sent him to me to consult me as to whether he can prosecute Robt Donnelly & Thos Donnelly for assaulting him, Kennedy having been himself fined for assaulting the Donnellys in the same affray, by Hy Ferguson JP.

I presume there is no legal impediment in the way of his lodging an information & proceeding against these parties. I don’t think Ferguson’s conviction inclusive as to the merits of the case, & from Kennedy’s story, it would appear that he was badly used. I think you will be justified in taking his information & hearing the case.

Yours truly,
Charles Hutchinson, County Atty

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Donnelly Family Papers, B4878, File 6, Charles Hutchinson, Charles Hutchinson Letter Book, December 29, 1875.

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