Police Intelligence


A very respectable-looking young man named Wm. Donnelly was charged by Mr. J. E. Graham with the laceny of a revolver from his house about a year ago.

It was alleged in evidence that the accused came to complainant's house one day, and observing the weapon asked permission to examine it. The owner left the house for a short time, and on his return the man was gone, and the revolver also. He accordingly suspected him of stealing it. He did not see him again until about a week ago, when he asked him to return it. The accused said he did not take the pistol, and it was not his duty to restore it; but at the same time admitted that he knew something about it — in fact, in whose possession it was. Giving no other satisfaction, however, information was lodged against him.

The accused seemed fully to understand his position, severely pressed the witnesses with questions, and managed his case with an air of confidence which would do credit to many of the regular, but "single-barrelled," pleaders.
His Worship — Your case is one which I think should be sent for trial.
The accused — Yes, I was thinking of putting it back myself.
His Worship — You are not obliged to plead before me, but what you say will be taked down, &c.
The accused — I say not guilty, of course. I know something about the affair, but I have nothing to do with it.
His Worship — Mr. Clerk, take that down.
The accused — He may take it down and welcome
His Worship committed him for trial, and refused bail for his appearance.

Source: Unknown, "Police Intelligence — Larceny," London Free Press, April 23, 1869.

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