Charles Hutchinson Letter Book, 1878-80
p. 356

May 9 /79

J.D. McCosh, Esq, JP
Dear Sir,
A petition in behalf of Robert Donelly who is now in the penitentiary for shooting at Everett, has been referred to me. It is supported by an affidavit of Everett's, that he has discovered since the trial that the evidence of George Greer, painter, of Lucan, was false & made up for the occasion. Greer swore that he had seen Donelly on the night in question near the scene of the shooting with a gun concealed under his coat. I would like to know something of this man Greer. Is he still in Lucan? What character does he bear? Has he had any difficulty with the prisoner or any of his family? Did he volunteer the evidence? How did it become known that he had seen Donelly? Will you kindly assist me in this matter & let me hear from you at your early convenience & oblige,

Yours truly,
Charles Huthinsn, County Atty

Source: J.J. Talman Regional Collection, University of Western Ontario Archives, Donnelly Family Papers, B4878, File 11, Charles Hutchinson, Charles Hutchinson Letter Book, May 9, 1879.

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